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		A New Beginning

During SPEC's reign over most of the weapon market for the Shezue's militaries for centuries, they created a new biological weapon named Sector IV. After spending years of research with their former expirement, Clyde McDuffy, SPEC took it a step further. Enduring painful expirements, living in a prison cell all of his life, and learning the horrors of the Shezue's entire past within months, Eloe Monoke', hidden as the name Sector IV, had enough after he matured past his teenage years. Being created from pure enhanced Pyroglytheum, he was a powerful weapon at SPEC's disposal, and he disagreed. Before long, Eloe went on a rampage, showing his true hatred for SPEC and all of the Shezue race for his constant torment, vowing to destroy the entire solar system, ridding the cosmos of this "horrible" race. He escaped with ease, killing hundreds of people, running loosely where ever he wanted. Before long, the Avralian Fleet and the Shezue Police caught SPEC's distress call from their HQ, Station X. When they arrived though, they were too late. Eloe had escaped. For many years Eloe fled into hiding, only being a mere rumor among the Shezue people before he was long forgotten. After a decade, he appeared again, stealing the lives of everyone on the Station V cruise ship, destroying everything in his path with his new powers and small militia of followers before disappearing again. Being surprised, the Avralian Fleet and the Shezue Police sought after Eloe with everything in their power, hoping to put an end to his rampage. However, they failed. Advance years later, and here we are. In a world of peace, people are starting to realize what true fear is like, hiding from the rumored Eloe Monoke'. With planets and ships full of the latest technology, you play as Raphial McDuffy, Clyde's son and successor, elemental weilder, and a soldier of the Avralian Fleet, out for revenge to stop Eloe and his army of followers. Welcome to the Glytheum State universe.

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