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"For the longest time, we thought the project had little hope, at first, but now we're set on it big time. For the past year, the team has been working double-time on the project, even through our ups and downs, and they deserve more credit than I do. For years I thought it would be "my" project and "my" game, but now I invision this as "our" game and "our" project. I must say I am proud of having these guys, and girls, work side-by-side next to me as their Head Director to complete our main goal: The Active Assaults Saga. Thank you team!"

Founder of iRaph Designs, iRaph Studios, and Active Assaults.

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We're set onto bringing the best anthro video game series into history with our all-new video game series called (As you know) Active Assaults. It started as a mere admiration and dream, and now it's developed into something bigger.

We are the Active Assaults Crew and Team. What we do is what we want to do to make our dreams come true; we strive for independence and difference. Let's make this game big!

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Webpage scripted by Raphial Hebert of iRaph Designs and iRaph Studios.
Copyright 2009 iRaph Studios. All rights reserved.