In the beginning of time, creation bloomed across the heavens and stars, setting forth the motion of galaxies, and the sea of stars. It was during this creation that the Planes of Life took shape in a blast of light and darkness that scoured the vast reaches of space.
With these creations, and many within, unfolding, divine beings called The Elders came down from the farthest reaches of the universe by order of the Creator to build and maintain balance among the Planes of Life. The first plane of existence becoming the Plane of Light, the second created as the Plane of Realms, and the last becoming the Plane of Darkness, more commonly known as the Underworld.
Every major galactic constellation known as galaxies was assigned their own group of Elders to help maintain the balance of light and dark, delegating and connecting the vast reaches of space into just a divine collection of spiritual gates. In our galaxy, divine clan members were created to maintain the balance: Isis, Nephthys, Set, and Osiris. Osiris was given the task to guard and maintain the Plane of Light, and Set was given the duty to protect the Plane of Darkness. Lastly, Isis and Nephthys were both tasked the duty of bringing order and balance to the two planes of existence by guarding the gates between, presiding over the reaches of the Plane of Realms, a tesseract of gateways between galaxies and dimensions.

Before long, Set and Nephthys became close, giving birth and rise to the god Anubis, who was sent to post guard over the gateway in the Underworld. Soon after, Osiris and Isis united and gave birth to Horus, who in turn was to become a guardian over the living. Shortly after Set devised a plan to overturn the throne for the Plane of Light, and had in doing so cast his brother Osiris into the Underworld, forcing his position as ruler over the light.
However, among the chaos and battle, Anubis attempted to stop his father Set, and in his rage, started a long war campaign that lasted many, many years against his father. When the first war was over, Osiris had claimed his throne of the Underworld, and Anubis committed his loyalty to his uncle as a result, to preside and protect the dead. During this war Horus became involved, and learned his father's fate too late. He aided the army of the Underworld in Osiris' attempt to take back the throne, but failed.

Set retaliated, and Horus and he were met at a gruesome stalemate. Anubis' first general, and daughter, Setko, was persuaded and convinced by Set to flee the war effort and escape her father's reign in hopes he could trick her into giving him her incredible prowess and abilities. Setko fled before the last battle of the second Great War to never be seen again, and because of her sudden escape from her father's grasp, Anubis' army was crippled, and Set found his advantage. After a long and terrible last battle, neither could claim victory, and both lost more than before. In anger of her betrayal, Set sent out several of his strongest and most fierce hunters after Setko for treason. However with the help of her personal guard, she was able to escape and used her newly-gained ability to travel through time far into the future, going so far that it destroyed the physical nature of her divinity. Her journey had thrown her forward in time by several thousands of years, leaving only her spiritual presence among the stars.

Enraged, Set sent what secret guard he had left to hunt down Setko through the reaches of infinite time, hoping to claim an evil revenge against her behind the back of Anubis. In the darkness, Osiris had witnessed the fall of Anubis' protege, and desperate for answers, sent his own guard after the hunt to catch Setko first. However, after the terrible stalemate both had endured, Set and Osiris gave up the war effort and returned to their newly acquired thrones. Osiris had accepted his fate, and in an acceptance of defeat, both he and Set became dormant for many, many millennia. Because of these wars, the timeline destined for peace was corrupted, and many more chaotic battles began to surface like a dark domino effect since.
Like a plague, darkness threatens to slowly consume the whole universe.